Huawei Post First SPC-1 Result Above 7,000,000 SPC-1 IOPS

Huawei Sets New SPC-1 Performance Record with OceanStor Dorado18000 V3

Congratulations to Huawei on the setting a new performance record for SPC-1 v3 results.


SPC-1 IOP™ 7,000,565
SPC-1 Price-Performance™ $376.96/SPC-1 KIOPS™
SPC-1 IOPS™Response Time 0.814 ms
SPC-1 Overall Response Time 0.554 ms
SPC-1 ASU Capacity 211,316 GB
SPC-1 Space Effectiveness Ratio 0.73
SPC-1 ASU Price $12.49/GB
SPC-1 Total System Price $2,638,917.96
Audit Identifier A31017

Submitted On: 30 October 2018 
SPC-1 Specification Revision: 3.8
