Inspur Publishes Another Top-10 Results

Congratulations to Inspur Electronic Information Industry Co. Ltd. on submitting their latest SPC-1 v3 result. The new SPC-1 Benchmark™ result, which was run using the AS5500G5, joins the SPC-1 Top-10 Performance list at #8.


SPC-1 IOPS™3,300,292

SPC-1 Price-Performance™$295.73/SPC-1 KIOPS™

SPC-1 IOPS™ Response Time0.387 ms

SPC-1 Overall Response Time0.228 ms

SPC-1 ASU Capacity137,438 GB

SPC-1 Space Effectiveness RatioN/A

SPC-1 ASU Price$7.11/GB

SPC-1 Total System Price$975,975.69

Audit IdentifierA32015

Submitted On: 19 June 2020
SPC-1 Specification Revision: 3.8
