Full members are eligible to appoint a director to the Board of Directors, are provided full access to all SPC-internal documents, including the members-only section of the SPC web site. Full members may participate in all SPC meetings, vote on SPC motions (including the refinement and adoption of benchmark specifications), and serve on technical and standing committees within the SPC.
SPC Membership
Annual Dues: $12,000
A membership application must be submitted and approved before a membership invoice can be issued.
SPC-1 (SPC-1/E), SPC-2 (SPC-2/E), SPC-1C (SPC-1C/E) and SPC-2C (SPC-2C/E) Toolkits and Associated Licenses: SPC Members
SPC Toolkit with Unlimited License: $4,000
SPC Toolkit with Limited License: $1,000
SPC Toolkits are only available to SPC member companies/institutions.
SPC Full Membership includes an unlimited license for all released SPC Toolkits at no charge. Each of those licenses can be used to submit audited measurements to become a new SPC Result.
Site or corporate licenses purchased by a Full or Associate Member company can be used to submit audited measurements to become a new SPC Result.
Contact the SPC Administrator for purchase of SPC Toolkits and associated licenses.
SPC-1 (SPC-1/E), SPC-2 (SPC-2/E), SPC-1C (SPC-1C/E) and SPC-2C (SPC-2C/E) Benchmark Submission Filing Fees (per result)
Price: $1,000
Submission fees will be invoiced by the SPC, once an audited result is submitted for publication. For more information on the audit process, please contact the SPC Administrator.